At our Thanksmas party this weekend we had an overload of boys who watch mma in their spare time and my little guy got into the mix of it. He took a crash to his forhead. All is well. Some super glue and the hole is patched. It was crazy and messy and I am so thankful my little man is on his way to healing. He gets a little smile when we call him "scar" now. It is his new wrestling name.
Just a side note:
The nurse was saying it won't be long and they will have gaming systems in the hospitals for people to play while they wait. I am totally against it. I think that sometimes people do stupid stuff and they should be fully present in their suffering. My choir teacher used to say before long school breaks "Don't do dumb stuff". Well when people do do dumb stuff they should not be allowed to zone out and play video games to escape the reality of their mistakes.
There should be lots of waiting and thinking going on there.
preach it! i totally agree.