The apple lady was very annimated. She loved her job and it made it that much more enjoyable for us.

Here is P with his teacher.

After a hayride and picking the gourds (my personal favorite) and apples we tried some of their cider. The weather cooperated and everyone was in good spirits.

Later that day I took the boys back to pick their pumpkins. They chose the biggest pumpkins in our history of pumpkin choosing.. We carved them with friends Friday night. Payton drew a frankenstein face and Parker insisted on a third eye for his traditional pumpkin face. No one vomited while cleaning out the inerds. It all turned out lovely.

We think Sunflowers are drooping because they are sad to see summer go.

"I picked apples high up in the air"
-Little P

Little P and some of his classmates.
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