This would have been the spring and property of my great-great-grandparents and it is still in the family. My grandfathers cousins live there now.

The water was very cold and refreshing. Payton took a drink but said it didn't taste very good.

Abraham is recorded as the first mint farmer in Eden township. He owned and operated a mint still north of the barn, busy day and night during mint harvest.

Partly cloudy, very hot and humid. High: 94 Heat Index: 99-105
Humidity 66% ITS A SCORCHER

It is amazing to think that their great grandpa played in this same spring. Probably doing the same things they are right now.

The pebbles always look so much prettier wet. Almost magical.

Augie, fishing.

Payt fishing in the pond that the family dug. The spring slowly trickled in to fill the whole thing up.

If I were a bird this is where I would live.
The spring is right on the other side.
weeping willows have always caused me to pause for a moment

lots of nibbles, no bites

That's a grandma for yah, to hold her grandchild when mom wouldn't cause it was toooooo hot.

But I will give you a little hug.

The warrior and the protector.
How I love thee, yes indeed.
good pics tiff!